深冲黄铜钢带H90 18Al F18 冷轧复合 覆铜钢板带 合金板非镀铜3.1铜包钢冷轧拉伸

更新:2023-11-30 14:22 编号:22162575 发布IP: 浏览:56次
黄铜钢带,H90 18Al F18, 冷轧复合,覆铜钢板带,合金板,镀铜,铜包钢,铜钢铜,H90/F18/H90,冷轧




Supplier of metal composite new materialsolutions


覆铜钢片 H90黄铜钢复合铜带、复合双金属带材



厚度规格:0.1-3.2mm 按需定制。






A、工业材料:覆铜钢片 深冲,拉伸产品;






Low Carbon Cold Rolled Steel Strip. Governing Spec.

EURONORMS EN10139/10140 Equal DIN 1624/1544,


special extra deep drawing quality,Al-killed Brass Coated bothside

brushed finished-dead soft temper slit edges-oiled-packed forexport

Technical Specification


bimetallic strips 2,9-0,1 x 123-1 x 2000±5 mm


This standard applies to bimetallic strips produced by themethod of  simultaneous rolling process of a steel blankcoated on both sides with a copper-zinc alloy. The coatingthickness is from 4% to 6% of the steel blank thickness in itsinitial condition.


1. Assortment


Thickness of the bimetallic strip - 2,9-0,1 mm

Width of the bimetallic strip - 123-1 mm

Length of the bimetallic strip - 2000±5 mm

Strips with a length from 750 mm to 2000 mm have permissibledeviations to 3% of the lot’s mass.


2. Parameters and properties

2.1 The bimetallic strips are manufactured in accordance withthe requirements of this standard acc. to the technology regulationapproved by respective manner.

2.2 The bimetallic strips are manufactured from steel, grade18KP (18КП) with chemical composition according to GOST 1050-88 orfrom steel, grade 18YuA (18ЮА) with chemical composition accordingto GOST 803-81, with coating of copper-zink alloy, grade L90 (Л90)according to GOST 15527.


Chemical composition of steel, grade 18YuA (18ЮА) acc. to GOST803

Steel Grade

Percentage of elements, %







not more

18YuA (18ЮA)








Note: Residual mass fraction of elements into steel 18YuA (18ЮА)should not exceed the following:

Chromium – 0,15%, Nickel – 0,25%, Copper- 0,20%. In grades 18KP(18КП) and 18YuA (18ЮА) and mass part of Chromium should not bemore than 0,20% and for Carbon content not more than 0,18%.


Chemical composition of steel, grade 18KP (18КП) acc. to GOST1050

Steel Grade

Percentage of   elements, %







not more

18KP (18КП)








Copper – 0,20%, Nickel – 0,30%.


Chemical composition of the copper-zinc alloy, grade L90 (Л90) acc. GOST 15527


Main elements - %

Impurities - %

L90 (Л90)








Impurities total


The rest








2.3. Strips are delivered in an annealed condition. Theannealing is carried out in furnace in inert medium.


2.4. Mechanical properties of the bimetal should correspond tothe values given in Table 1.

                                                  Table 1

Grade of the steel layer

Tensile strenght

MPa (kgf/mm2)


Not less than

18KP (18КП)

304-397 (31,00-40,50)


18YuA (18ЮА)

323-431 (33,00-44,00)



2.5. Deviation from the squareness (Out-of-squareness) of thecut where cutting is done at the ends of the strip shall not exceed6 mm.


2.6. Edge camber (arcuated curvature of the side) of the stripsshould not be more than 4 mm, in length of 1000 mm.

2.7. Waviness (arcuated deviation from the flatness along thelength) of the strips should not be more than 20 mm, permissiblenumber of waves –not more than 2 per strip.


2.8. Strips’ surface should be free of contamination andmechanical damages. A slight oxidation on the surface, which doesnot interfere with the detection of surface defects, is allowedafter agreement between the manufacturer and the user.


2.9. In the strips is not allowed: stratification the steellayer, delamination of the cladding layer, face cracks, baring ofthe steel layer at a distance greater than 1,5 mm from the end ofthe strip.


2.10. Upon a technological trial (bending of a cup) the quantityof cups with delamination of the cladding layer and fracture of themetal should not be greater than 1%, including on the steellayer:


- for steel grade 18KP (18КП) – 0,4%

- for steel grade 18YuA (18ЮА) – 0,3%


2.11. Тhe contamination of the steel layer of the strips withnon-metallic inclusions should not exceed:

- for steel grade 18KP (18КП) – acc. to GOST 1778 to grade 4 ona scale agreed between the manufacturer and the user;

- for steel grade 18YuA (18ЮА) (filamentary oxides, sulfides) –acc. to GOST 1778 – filamentary oxides (OC) - scale (OC) to grade 3and sulfides (C) – scale (C) to grade 3 . For the filamentaryoxides and sulfides is allowed grade 4 in one of three testingsamples.


2.12. Microstructure of the steel layer of the strips shouldcomply with the following requirements:

- Metal banding (Metal banding is a distribution of ferrite andpearlite grains in the form of strips) – acc. to English version ofGOST 5640, permissible grade 0, 1, 2 on scale 3, line B

- Size of the ferrite grains – acc. GOST 5639; permissible grade7, 8, 9 on scale I.

Upon using of the additional scale I, grade 10 is permissible.Grains with elongated shape are permissible. 

- The shape of the pearlite – on scale 2 acc. to English versionof GOST 5640, Permissible grades: line A to grade 5A inclusive andline B – to grade 4B inclusive.


2.13. Local protrusions and dents of the strips should notexceed 2 mm.


3. Packing and marking.


3.1. Packaging requirements:


3.1.1. The packaged bimetallic strips should be wrapped allsides with inhibitor paper and stretch foil in six layers andheight till reaching a mass up to 2,5-3 tons, and protectivecorners put in advance on the four vertical edges.


3.1.2. The strips should be delivered in a closed package(covered with a metal lid), protecting it from ingress of moistureand to be able to retain its integrity during transportation andhandling operations and preventing the strips from damage.


3.1.3. The package with strips stacked in the base of case isfastened at least in 3 points with packaging metal straps toprevent it from falling out during handling activities.


3.1.4. After the lid has been placed, the package is placed on awooden pallet and additionally strapped with metal bands togetherwith the pallet on two points along the length and minimum on threepoints along the width.

3.2. Package marking requirements:


3.2.1. The marking should be applied on the self-adhesivesticker on the cover of the wooden or the metal case, on this sidewhere the marking will be visible when the cases are stacked oneover another. Inside the wooden or the metal case there should havesticker. 


3.2.2. The marking should indicate the following:


- Name or trademark of the manufacturing plant;

- Steel grade

- Melt number in the Quality document;

- Batch/lot number;

- Thickness and width of the strip;

- Serial number of the cases from same batch/lot;

- Quality certificate.




3.2.3. It is permissible the marking according paragraph 3.2.1.- 3.2.2. to be a laminated label placed on and in the package.



4. Acceptance.


4.1 The strips are accepted in batches/lots. The batches/lotsshould consist from strips with same thickness and width, made fromsame steel melt and same annealing. The batches/lots areaccompanied by quality document containing the following:


- Freight sign or name and freight sign of the manufacturer(Name or trade mark of the manufacturer's plant

- User name;

- Number of the batch/lot, number the melt, number of theannealing;

- Mass and dimensions of the strips;

- Results from the tests conducted;

- Remark in case of a repeated batch/lot annealing;

- The batch/lot mass is determined by the capacity of thefurnace.


4.2. Strips’ surface and dimensions are subjected to Qualitycontrol in *** during the production process at the manufacturerfacilities and 5% of the strips from the batch/lot during theacceptance control at the premises of the manufacturer and theuser.


4.3. To carry out the strips quality acceptance the manufacturertakes samples for:


- analysis of the chemical composition - two blanks of melt;

- mechanical testing – six strips in total, i.e two samplestaken from the top, middle and bottom part of each chamber afterannealing.

- checking the degree of contamination by non-metallicinclusions – three strips in total, i.e one taken from the top,middle and bottom part  of each chamber afterannealing.  

- checking the microstructure - a total of three strips, i.e onetaken from the top, middle and bottom part  of each chamberafter annealing.  

- conducting of technological testing - a total of three strips,i.e one taken from the top, middle and bottom part  of eachchamber after annealing.  

4.4. For strips quality inspection the user takes the followingsamples for:

- analysis of the chemical composition – one strip from eachbatch/lot

- conducting the mechanical testing, checking the microstructureand the degree of contamination by non-metallic inclusions – onestrip from each ton.

- technological testing – one strip with length not less than1000 mm from each ton.

In case of satisfactory results from tests of the chemicalcomposition, mechanical properties and microstructure of strips, itis permissible not to carry out the technological testing.


4.5. In case of unsatisfactory results from a given test, are-testing of a doubled quantity of samples taken from differentstrips but from same annealing.


The results from the re-testing are final and refer to theentire batch/lot.


4.6. The strips not complying with the mechanical properties andmicrostructure can be repaired by re-annealing, but not more thanonce. 


5. Test methods.


5.1. From each sample-strip should be taken samplings:

- for analysis of the chemical composition- one sampling;

- for mechanical tests - one specimen in acc. with therequirements of GOST 1497 or GOST 11701;

- for checking of the microstructure and degree of contamination– one sample with dimensions 30x40mm, with thickness of the sampleequal to the thickness of the strip.


The side of the specimen with a length of 30 mm should bepositioned longitudinally in the direction of the rolling.


5.2. The chemical composition of the steel is determined by theAtomic emission spectral analysis and Atomic Absorption Analysismethods.


5.3. Upon conducting of control chemical analysis of the steellayer ofthe             bimetallic strips, the copper zinc alloy coating is removedbeforehand.


5.4. The tensile test is conducted according GOST 1497.


5.5. The dimensions of the strips are checked with measuringinstruments and control templates.

The thickness of the strip shall be measured with a micrometerwith an accuracy of not more than 0,01 mm at three points along itslength and at two points in its width at a distance of not lessthan 5 mm from the ends of the strip.


5.6. The absence of surface defects and the presence ofunacceptable defects are checked visually by comparing the surfacewith control/reference specimen. (Consider the requirements ofparagraphs 2.8 and 2.9 of the Technical Specification of Bimetallicstrip 2,9 x 123 x 2000 mm.


5.7. A trial by performing a technological test is conductedalong the entire length and width of the strip bycompressing/folding a cup on a Press. The tool drawings necessaryfor conducting the technological test should be coordinated betweenthe manufacturer and the user.


5.8. Non-metallic inclusions are determined on non-pickled,polished metallographic sample at а magnification of 100 times.

Evaluation of the non-metallic inclusions is carried out bycomparing the maximum contaminated point on the surface of themetallographic sample;

- for samples of steel 18КП-on a scale agreed between themanufacturer and the user

- for samples of steel 18YuA (18ЮА) - on a scale – GOST 1778method Sh2 (Ш2).

Methodology Sh2 (Ш2) indicates that the sample has to beobserved at a magnification of 90 to 110 x. The most contaminatedplace on the metallographic sample is observed.


5.9.  The microstructure of the steel layer of the stripsis determined by:


- the metal banding – acc. to English version of GOST 5640,scale 3, line B at magnification 100. (Metal banding is adistribution of ferrite and pearlite grains in the form ofstrips).

- the size of the ferrite grain - acc. GOST 5639, atmagnification 100. When necessary a control of the ferrite grain ata magnification 400 on the additional scale I GOST 5639 fordetermination of the small grain is permitted.

- the shape of the perlite - acc. to English version of GOST5640, scale 2, at a magnification of 400.


5.10. Control of the edge camber and squareness(perpendicularity) of the cut - acc.to Fig.2 and Fig.3 indicated inthe Appendix.


6. Transportation and storage.


6.1. Transportation and storage – acc. to the packaging andmarking requirements indicated in the Appendix to the currentspecification.


7. Description of the enclosed scale for evaluation of theperlite in the steel layer.


The six-grade scale consists of two lines.


- Line A - Increasing the size of the cementite globulesstarting form point- and small grained to big globules turning intoplastic perlite in some sections.


- Line B - Increasing the amount of sorbitol perlite (in percentratio) in the filamentous distribution of structuralcomponents.


The six-grade scale should correspond to the description givenin the table.


The evaluation of the microstructure shall be carried out byindicating the relevant grade and index.







Line A

Line B


Characterized by point and minor amounts of fine grain  cementite

Is characterized by point and minor amounts of fine   graincementite with filamentous distribution


Characterized by fine grain and minor amounts spot  cementite

Characterized   by structure of grained perlite withfilamentous distribution.


Characterized   by structure of grainedcementite. 

Characterized by structure of grained cementite and  sorbitol-shaped perlite (to 20%) with filamentous distribution.


Characterized   by structure of medium – grained cementitewith inclusions of coarse grains   of cementite with elongatedshape up to 15%.

Characterized by structure of sorbitol-shaped perlite  (50%) and grained cementite (50%) with a filamentousdistribution.


Characterized   by coarse –grained cementite with globularand elongated shape.

Characterized by structure of sorbitol-shaped perlite  (80%) and grained cementite with a filamentous distribution.


Characterized   by coarse-grained cementite with globularand elongated shape with sections   of plastic perlite.

Characterized by a coarse accumulation of sorbitol-like  perlite with insignificant amounts of a thin-walled perlite with a  filamentous distribution.



Note: The uneven distribution of globular cementite in theabsence of sorbitol-shaped cementite not foreseen by line A of thegiven scale is not considered a as a reject (scrap) factor. In thiscase the evaluation of the microstructure is done on base of thesize of the globules of cementite from line A.


Requirement for control of edge camber and squareness(perpendicularity) of the cut of the strips


Edge camber (arcuated curvature of the side) at     the edges of the strips should be no more than 2 mm in lengthof 1 meter


Squareness of the strips’ cut

-      The ends of the strips must becut at right angles. The curve of the cut should not exceed 6mm

深冲黄铜钢带H90 18Al F18 冷轧复合 覆铜钢板带 合金板非镀铜3.1铜包钢冷轧拉伸的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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